33+ Meditation Teachers Offer Wisdom on Your Meditation Practice

33+ meditation teachers offer wisdom on your meditation practice

Learning how to meditate on your own can be difficult, especially with all the meditation mistakes that could make meditation much more difficult. There’s an overwhelming amount of information available and it can be hard to decide where to actually jump in.

Plus, once you’ve actually committed to start meditating there’s a whole new set of obstacles you’re going to face.

The purpose of this post is to take a look at some of these common obstacles. Although every person is unique in their reasons for starting to meditate there is a common meditation timeline most fall into.

In order to help you hurdle over all these obstacles we decided search far and wide and bring in a few meditation teachers to help. Below you’ll find thirty-four experience-based opinions of meditation experts who took on the following question.

What’s the biggest (and most common) mistake you see people making in regards to starting a meditation practice?

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How to Meditate For Beginners (The Ultimate Guide)

How to meditate for beginners (the ultimate guide)

Do you want to learn how to meditate for beginners?

Meditation has seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years. Ask anyone and they’ve surely heard of meditation, or are trying to learn how to meditate for beginners.

But, far from being a trend, meditation is an ancient art that extends back thousands of years. Only now, are modern sciences beginning to validate the positive effects and benefits that are possible from the simple act of meditation.

The question is: how to meditate for beginners in a way that’s fun and becomes a lifelong habit?

In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about meditation and how you can start your own meditation practice today.

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